Tuesday, December 8, 2009
and it continues...
"If I was on there... I would have to get real mean and kick their arses right off... yeah, I would!"
Brenley & I were at Shoppers last night and I was looking all around for a very specific item; and I WAS taking a pretty long time, I'll admit. She kept wandering away from me picking things up (that were quite expensive) saying, "I wanna get this, I wanna get this" which was only prolonging the whole ordeal. So, anyway, I found her a Hannah Montana lip gloss to shut her up and keep her quiet & with me for the few more minutes I had to look. So, in the cosmetics section, I'm looking very carefully everywhere... and I hear from about 10 feet away: "UGH. WOULD YOU JUST PAY FOR THIS FWIGGIN' THING SO WE CAN GET OUT OF HERE?!?!?" LOL
And, today as I set up my new Little People Nativity set (YAY! I've always wanted one!) I was explaining to her the whole idea behind the Nativity set & Christmas (big religious moment -- LOL) and she says, "So one of these guys is Jesus Mary & Joseph that you say sometimes?" (oops)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My letter to Santa this year:

Barrachois, NS, B1Y 3N3
December 1, 2009
Dear Santa,
It’s nice to see you when you come to my house. I am going to have cookies & chocolate milk and I hope you bring lots of toys for me.
I would like you to bring Hungry Hippos, if you still have them. (I got it last year, but didn’t play with it, so we gave it to a family who lost everything in a fire. Now I want it again.) And a Barbie. I want a Hannah Montana doll with a stage that lights up; you could probably steal that from a store, or even pay for it. I saw it in the store. And I even want a ring – not like a fake one, just a beautiful one, a sparkly one. And I want a key for my race car. Oh, and I want a race car… like a real race car. But I’m just kidding. (laughs)
Madden is my little guy, my brother. He’s a little guy who poops a lot. He wants a Hannah Montana doll, too. No, I’m just being a silly girl. Madden would probably like a race car, too.
I’m a good girl sometimes, will you get mad at me if I’m bad sometimes? It’s hard to be good all the time because my Mamaidh & Dadaidh get cross at me sometimes because I don’t listen. I will try so much to be good.
I don’t want anything else, that’s a lot of stuff… too much stuff. Some surprises would be nice, too, please. (He’ll be happy if I say ‘please’.) I’m going to go to bed at 8:30 on Christmas Eve.
You have a great journey, Santa. Thank you.
Brenley Gillis, 4 years old
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
If it's in the cat, it's in the kitten?
We caught Madden headin'er up the basement stairs... drivin'er climbing them. (His first time, too)
Anyway... I ran and got him & said "You little bugger" and Brenley says....
"Jesus Mary asked Joseph!"
LOL Thought I was going to pee my pants!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hello out there, we're on the air...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's been a while...
Here's some of the latest from the past 2 months:
OW! Brenley! See, that's why you have to be gentle! If you hurt me like that Imagine how you hurt Madden!:
"How did I hurt you?!"
"You hurt my tooth!"
"Well, that's fine, though. It can just come out and then you can grown another one back!"
"No I can't! I'm not a little girl! Mine won't grow back!"
" No, Mamaidh... TRUST ME. If you watch my shows, like the dinsosaur one, you'd see that your tooth would easily grow back!"
"Brenely... that's a TV show... it's NOT REAL"
" Well... I'm serious, anyway!"
We were driving in the truck and saw a huge cruise ship in Sydney Port. Brenley asked if she was ever on a huge boat. I told her she was on the PEI ferry. She said, "No, but bigger than that." I told her no, but Mamaidh & Dadaidh were on the big boats that go by Helly's house (Nfld. ferries).
"When was that?"
"Before you were born"
"Well where was I then?"
"Um, swinging in a tree, I guess?!!?"
"Well where were Rowan & Donkey (her cousins)"
"I guess they would have already been born"
"Hmph. Well that sucks. Don't you think I should have had friends with me swinging in the tree!!?!?!"
Same trip.... "Mamaidh, what are they talking about on the radio?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry Brenley, I'm not listening."
"Jeez, you got your hearing aids in today or what, Mamaidh/!?!?"
And my little 'lady's' finest:
Brenley slides down the mountain of mud in the backyard... "Mamaidh, it looks like poop on my pants. Actually it looks like I shit myself!" :P bwahahahahaha
While going for a walk one day, she said: "Mamaidh, mamaidh! Stop! Stop! Stop walking!"
"Why, Brenley?"
"Cuz my panties are stuck in my arse!"
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I tink it's summer time now for sure...
- One particularily hot, muggy day Brenley said,"wooooooooooooo! Today's a day you need to be bare dressed!" (bare naked, or not dressed)
- And she also told Kyle, "Dadaidh you can be bared... I won't mind" (bared = naked)
- LOL "Mamaidh... can you dead that fly? It's driving me crazy!"
- "I just figured it out.It took me until I was 3 years old. But now I'm older than myself! " LOL God we laughed at that!In the truck on the way home from Scotsville.Canada Day, 2009
- "Why does Madden have blue eyes, Mamaidh?" / "Why do you have green ones, Brenley?" / "Cuz God made me that way.... actually God made me as a boy first and then he thought I didn't look very fancy, so then he made me a girl. I'm fancy now."
- "Mamaidh, why are you so cranky?" / Cuz you always leave a mess everywhere, Brenley. You never clean up and then I have to." / "Well, you're doing a good job...." (ggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
- "Know what I did not quite enjoy? That party for Nanny. I just didn't quite enjoy it...."
- "Hwoooooooh! I just opened the fridge door and I had to say 'Jesus' -- it was really cold in there!"
- "My heart is saying 'Jesus' right now.... it's scared when I'm jumping so high!"
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June Gems...
"Mamaidh, This hotel has the most fabulous beds, the most fantastic stairs... I love it!"
After having a hard time being good and getting reamed out by me many times:
"Mamaidh, why are you so mosach at me today?"
"Cuz you're not listening and you're not being a good girl."
"Well, you know I can only be good on Fridays and Wednesdays"
After the ceilidh in Judique Sunday afternoon:
"Are we going to Uncle Dale's for tunes? Everyone wants me to be there!"
(uh-oh... LOL)
After having another spell of not-so-good-behaviour... and being banished to her room as punishment, I hear....
"Mamaidh, can we have a talk?"
"No, not now"
"Can you come here, then so we can have a con-sem-trayv-shon?" (conversation!) LOL
(I didn't go!)
Friday, May 15, 2009
We're gonna have to start getting out of bed early to get ahead of this one...
Kyle was a bit concerned, becuase she seemed so sincere:
"Show me where your hips are hurting..."
Brenley proceeds to pull down her socks and show him some red heels!
(She had worn a different pair of shoes all day without socks!) LOL
In the car one day she pulled a green sock out of her bin beside her car seat."Mamaidh, how in the name of GOD could I lose a green sock?!?!"
So, she's going through the stage now where she dresses herself EVERY day... and has to pick out her own outfits. (Ok... sometimes it's 5, 6, even 8 outfits a day!) So one day, she came out of the bedroom looking like some kind of scarecrow, and said,
"Mamaidh... Look what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Wow, Brenley, do you ever look good! I love your outfit!"
"Am I as stylin' as Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer?!?"
Yes, good old Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer. Now, we ask, who the hell is he?!?!
Turns out (we had to find out where this guy came from) he's a hockey player (go figure) and he's really good and he's tall and he's s t y l i n' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He comes up regularly in conversation now.... like the weather.... or Madden.... but he's usually in the context of some kind of fashion statement! Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer... if there's really one of you out there, can you please contact us? LOL
And finally for this post...
At the mall one evening, Kyle's worst fears came true. He had a glimpse into the years of shopping ahead of him,
"Oh, look, Dadaidh! Doesn't this shirt look awesome with these jeans?!?!"
(We were in the ladies section at Urban Planet... LOL)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April showers bring ...
April 20th:
Brenley:"Can we have a jammie day today?"
"Can we have a jammie day at Ma's?"
"No... you have to get dressed cuz it's Helle's birthday."
"WEEEEEEEEEEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so a-cited. Did you hear me hollar wee-hoo when I was coming upstairs cuz I kinda thought it was a special day today?!"
(She didn't hollar at all coming up the stairs!)
April 26th
I asked Brenley if she wanted cucumbers for a snack:
"Ok, Mamaidh"
I went to the fridge and noticed we had baby carrots, too.
"We have baby carrots, too, do you want some of those too?"
"Um... do we have a veggie tray?"
"No, we have cucumbers and carrots, though, like you get in a veggie tray."
"Oh. Mamaidh, remember the good ole days when we had veggie trays?!?"
April 29th
Someone was having a particularily cranky day... but she decided to get dressed anyway.
It was a big secret, as she was going to pick out her outfit, and dress herself, put her own clips in her hair, etc.
"I'm going to be so beautiful," she said.
When she came out of her bedroom, she asked,
"So, how do I look? Do I look beautiful?"
"Yes," I said, "you look stylin... like someone who could clean their room looking so super stylin'"
"No, Mamaidh. I said I only I LOOK super stylin'.... I'm not super girl"
(It would take Super Girl to clean that room!)
Monday, April 13, 2009
OH NO!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
How well does Brenley know Dadaidh?

- What is something dad always says to you? Be good!
- What makes dad happy? being a good listener
- What makes dad sad? being a bad girl
- How does your dad make you laugh? being silly
- What was your dad like as a child? I think he played with Donkey and Row’s toys
- How old is your dad? I dunnoooooooooooooo
- How tall is your dad? (reaches as high as she can with her hands over her head)
- What is his favorite thing to do? play golf
- What does your dad do when you're not around? find me (LOL!!!!!!)
- If your DAD becomes famous, what will it be for? finding me!
- What is your DAD really good at? playing golf
- What is your DAD not very good at? having patience
- What does your DAD do for his job? work on the shed
- What is your Dad's favorite food? pizza
- What makes you proud of your DAD? when he comes outside
- If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Bob (the builder)
- What do you and your dad do together? work on something or go for a walk
- How are you and your Dad the same? I’m this tall… so I don’t know…
- How are you and your dad different? I dunno
- How do you know your Dad loves you? cuz he’s my favourite girl!!!!!!!!!!! (I think she meant that he tells her she’s his favourite girl! LOL)
- Where is your Dad's favorite place to go? to a golf course!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March's Additions to the Brenley Speaks Hall of Fame (or Shame?!?!?)
"Maybe when Dadaidh gets home we can all go for a walk"
"Well, if you can't get to sleep, count sheep!"
(The response, equally as frustrated...)
(Dadaidh went down and counted sheep to 100... after we stopped laughing!)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
February meant BIG changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- After getting groceries.."Dadaidh, I can't wait to get home and cuddle on the couch and watch my shows and eat the veggie tray!"
- After about 6 farts in a row I said, "BRENLEY!" "Well, Mamaidh... God put farts in me... it's my job to let them out!"
- While eating hickory sticks, Brenley asked:"Mamaidh, are all the chips in this bag going to be ones?!"(They look like number ones, right!?!?!?)
- "Look, Mamaidh", as she steps on the scale, "I'm getting so big! I'm a quarter to eight pounds!"
- "Mamaidh, you did a good job on these brownies!"
- "Once upon a time there was a little girl named, Brenley... and she had a teacher named Wella. And she went to school and she was a good girl at school..." (the typical start of one of her epic tales full of gisegean!)
- While talking to Helle on the phone: "Yeah... I'm still here. I'm watching my shows!"
"Will you ring me later?"
WTF? Was she watching Coronation St or what?!?! LOL
And... now introducing... the BIG sister:
Big sister, Brenley, with her new little brother, Madden!
"It took him a long time to come out, Mamaidh, but I'm glad Madden is my little brother!"
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Brenley-isms 2009 Begin!
- "Phewwwwwwwww Yucky. That doesn't taste right, Mamaidh! "(about her Dora Noodles)"Why, Brenley... what's wrong?!?!? " "I don't like it. I like mine straight up!!!!!!!!" Huh?!??!
- Brenley is wondering if the baby is looking for the door to get out of my belly! (jan. 17th) And, she figured the other day that I should just go to the doctor and ask the doctor to open the door to take the baby out.
- Coming out of the washroom in Pizza Delight, we met a rather obese older woman. Brenley, who was in front of me, looked up at her and turned back to me... "Mamaidh, that lady has ..." (I thought she was going to say really big belly like you) "... reallllly big boobies!" LOL (I don't think the lady heard because Brenley had some inner decency not to say it too loud!) Then... trying to explain to her that it's not nice to say those things about people you don't know...
- While she was having a snack the other night before bed..."What are you two kids doing still up? It's dark out you know!" Then she points to each of us individually, "YOU should be in bed.... and so should YOU!"
Playing on Brenley's Ipod & Computer
Her music picks, thus far, for 2009:
- Wagon Wheel -- Matt Anderson
- Heave Away -- the Fables
- Hey There Delilah -- Plain White Tees
- I've Been Everywhere Man -- Johnny Cash
- Wasn't that a Party -- Irish Rovers
- Mull River Shuffle -- The Rankin Family
- Apple Bottom Jeans -- whoever sings that
Cotton Eyed Joe -- The Rednecks
- Bog an Lochan -- as played by Dadaidh or anyone else (but Helle, who, "doesn't do it right") on the fiddle