Sunday, March 29, 2009

March's Additions to the Brenley Speaks Hall of Fame (or Shame?!?!?)

Have you ever had:

"Dipple Pickle" on your popcorn?

"Make-up Syrup" on your waffles and pancakes?

Brenley has! Just ask her!

I said to Brenley..

"Maybe when Dadaidh gets home we can all go for a walk"
"...You mean Madden, too, in the stroller?"
"Well that would be good and we can all tell stories to each other. Like stories about playing!"

Madden coughed and Brenley says, "Jesus Murphy, Mamaidh, What was that!??! It scared me!"
Brenley was having a hard time getting to sleep and kept hollaring upstairs. Kyle finally went to the top of the stairs and hollared down, "Brenley... GET TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I can't!"

"Well, if you can't get to sleep, count sheep!"

(The response, equally as frustrated...)
"Dadaidh.. I don't know all the numbers, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Dadaidh went down and counted sheep to 100... after we stopped laughing!)

"Look at this sticker, Dadaidh... it's a witch with a spelling rod!" (aka magic wand! Ingenious, I think)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February meant BIG changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February was a BIG month for Brenley... even though it's the shortest one of the year! You'll see why in a little bit. But, before we get to the BIG news... here's some Brenley-isms:

  • After getting groceries.."Dadaidh, I can't wait to get home and cuddle on the couch and watch my shows and eat the veggie tray!"

  • After about 6 farts in a row I said, "BRENLEY!" "Well, Mamaidh... God put farts in me... it's my job to let them out!"

  • While eating hickory sticks, Brenley asked:"Mamaidh, are all the chips in this bag going to be ones?!"(They look like number ones, right!?!?!?)

  • "Look, Mamaidh", as she steps on the scale, "I'm getting so big! I'm a quarter to eight pounds!"

  • "Mamaidh, you did a good job on these brownies!"

  • "Once upon a time there was a little girl named, Brenley... and she had a teacher named Wella. And she went to school and she was a good girl at school..." (the typical start of one of her epic tales full of gisegean!)

  • While talking to Helle on the phone: "Yeah... I'm still here. I'm watching my shows!" "Will you ring me later?"

WTF? Was she watching Coronation St or what?!?! LOL

And... now introducing... the BIG sister:

Big sister, Brenley, with her new little brother, Madden!

"It took him a long time to come out, Mamaidh, but I'm glad Madden is my little brother!"