Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June Gems...


"Mamaidh, This hotel has the most fabulous beds, the most fantastic stairs... I love it!"

After having a hard time being good and getting reamed out by me many times:
"Mamaidh, why are you so mosach at me today?"
"Cuz you're not listening and you're not being a good girl."
"Well, you know I can only be good on Fridays and Wednesdays"

After the ceilidh in Judique Sunday afternoon:
"Are we going to Uncle Dale's for tunes? Everyone wants me to be there!"
(uh-oh... LOL)

After having another spell of not-so-good-behaviour... and being banished to her room as punishment, I hear....
"Mamaidh, can we have a talk?"
"No, not now"
"Can you come here, then so we can have a con-sem-trayv-shon?" (conversation!) LOL
(I didn't go!)

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