Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's been a while...

... but her antics didn't stop, folks!

Here's some of the latest from the past 2 months:

OW! Brenley! See, that's why you have to be gentle! If you hurt me like that Imagine how you hurt Madden!:

"How did I hurt you?!"

"You hurt my tooth!"

"Well, that's fine, though. It can just come out and then you can grown another one back!"

"No I can't! I'm not a little girl! Mine won't grow back!"

" No, Mamaidh... TRUST ME. If you watch my shows, like the dinsosaur one, you'd see that your tooth would easily grow back!"

"Brenely... that's a TV show... it's NOT REAL"

" Well... I'm serious, anyway!"


We were driving in the truck and saw a huge cruise ship in Sydney Port. Brenley asked if she was ever on a huge boat. I told her she was on the PEI ferry. She said, "No, but bigger than that." I told her no, but Mamaidh & Dadaidh were on the big boats that go by Helly's house (Nfld. ferries).

"When was that?"

"Before you were born"

"Well where was I then?"

"Um, swinging in a tree, I guess?!!?"

"Well where were Rowan & Donkey (her cousins)"

"I guess they would have already been born"

"Hmph. Well that sucks. Don't you think I should have had friends with me swinging in the tree!!?!?!"

Same trip.... "Mamaidh, what are they talking about on the radio?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry Brenley, I'm not listening."

"Jeez, you got your hearing aids in today or what, Mamaidh/!?!?"


And my little 'lady's' finest:

Brenley slides down the mountain of mud in the backyard... "Mamaidh, it looks like poop on my pants. Actually it looks like I shit myself!" :P bwahahahahaha


While going for a walk one day, she said: "Mamaidh, mamaidh! Stop! Stop! Stop walking!"

"Why, Brenley?"

"Cuz my panties are stuck in my arse!"

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