- "Phewwwwwwwww Yucky. That doesn't taste right, Mamaidh! "(about her Dora Noodles)"Why, Brenley... what's wrong?!?!? " "I don't like it. I like mine straight up!!!!!!!!" Huh?!??!
- Brenley is wondering if the baby is looking for the door to get out of my belly! (jan. 17th) And, she figured the other day that I should just go to the doctor and ask the doctor to open the door to take the baby out.
- Coming out of the washroom in Pizza Delight, we met a rather obese older woman. Brenley, who was in front of me, looked up at her and turned back to me... "Mamaidh, that lady has ..." (I thought she was going to say really big belly like you) "... reallllly big boobies!" LOL (I don't think the lady heard because Brenley had some inner decency not to say it too loud!) Then... trying to explain to her that it's not nice to say those things about people you don't know...
- While she was having a snack the other night before bed..."What are you two kids doing still up? It's dark out you know!" Then she points to each of us individually, "YOU should be in bed.... and so should YOU!"
Playing on Brenley's Ipod & Computer
Her music picks, thus far, for 2009:
- Wagon Wheel -- Matt Anderson
- Heave Away -- the Fables
- Hey There Delilah -- Plain White Tees
- I've Been Everywhere Man -- Johnny Cash
- Wasn't that a Party -- Irish Rovers
- Mull River Shuffle -- The Rankin Family
- Apple Bottom Jeans -- whoever sings that
Cotton Eyed Joe -- The Rednecks
- Bog an Lochan -- as played by Dadaidh or anyone else (but Helle, who, "doesn't do it right") on the fiddle
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