Sunday, March 1, 2009

February meant BIG changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February was a BIG month for Brenley... even though it's the shortest one of the year! You'll see why in a little bit. But, before we get to the BIG news... here's some Brenley-isms:

  • After getting groceries.."Dadaidh, I can't wait to get home and cuddle on the couch and watch my shows and eat the veggie tray!"

  • After about 6 farts in a row I said, "BRENLEY!" "Well, Mamaidh... God put farts in me... it's my job to let them out!"

  • While eating hickory sticks, Brenley asked:"Mamaidh, are all the chips in this bag going to be ones?!"(They look like number ones, right!?!?!?)

  • "Look, Mamaidh", as she steps on the scale, "I'm getting so big! I'm a quarter to eight pounds!"

  • "Mamaidh, you did a good job on these brownies!"

  • "Once upon a time there was a little girl named, Brenley... and she had a teacher named Wella. And she went to school and she was a good girl at school..." (the typical start of one of her epic tales full of gisegean!)

  • While talking to Helle on the phone: "Yeah... I'm still here. I'm watching my shows!" "Will you ring me later?"

WTF? Was she watching Coronation St or what?!?! LOL

And... now introducing... the BIG sister:

Big sister, Brenley, with her new little brother, Madden!

"It took him a long time to come out, Mamaidh, but I'm glad Madden is my little brother!"

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