Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008 -- Part I

Some pre-Christmas gems:

"Brenley, you better clean all of that up! ""Yes, Mamaidh I will! RELAX!"

Santa this year at the North Sydney mall was a woman. gasp. Brenley knew there was something not quite right. So when we were home I was making fun of her saying she was making silly faces when she was on Santa's lap. "It wasn't Santa, it was Mrs. Claus!" "Huh," I said, (I didn't think she could pinpoint why this Santa was different), " since when do women have beards?!?!""Well, Mamaidh, maybe God had to do it that way!"

We bought Dadaidh a new something for golf for Christmas; Brenley helped pick it out. So, I made her promise that she wouldn't say anything, that it had to be a secret... she couldn't tell Dadaidh.So.... when we got home we "left it in the car, so he wouldn't see it." When Kyle got home from work, motor mouth met him at the door exclaiming:
"Dadaidh, dadaidh... we gots you the best ting ever! And it's for golf and you're gonna love it and you can't see it though, cuz we left it in the car! It's a present!"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Something for golf?! Is it a golf club?"
"No, it's a shirt... and it will fit you!"

"Mamaidh, I can't go yet. I need to finish my homework.""Homework? Where did you get homework?""At my school""What's your school's name?""Happy Face school!""Oh yeah, and who's your teacher?""Brenley... Brenley a'Kenzie"

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