Monday, May 5, 2008

"I don't know where you got her?!!?!?"

... that's what Grammie in Scotsville said. We wonder sometimes, too!

Brenley farts at Grammie's house. "Brenley, did you fart?" "Yes." "Well say
'excuse me'!"
"No, I only say 'scuse me when I burp."

Mamaidh bends down to tie Brenley's shoe and burps. "Excuse Me," Mamaidh says. "Mamaidh, you say 'excuse me'?"
"Good girl, Mamaidh!"

At my grand-uncle's 80th birthday party. "I no like this party!" (all grumpy!)
After about another 15 minutes or so, we leave. Once Brenley gets in the
car, she starts BAWLING and CRYING:
"That party no good. Me no like it!"
"Why, Brenley?!"
"Cuz there's no fiddle music there and me can't stet-dance! Oh Man, me no
like it!"
(the crying continued from Gardiner Mines to downtown

Yep... that's our little lady. Oh... and all of a sudden she's toilet trained. She decided on Wednesday that she wanted to wear panties. Yep... and now it's done. Only one little accident in how many days.

Parenting isn't all that hard when they parent themselves!

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