Friday, January 29, 2010

I swear these are only from today!

We were outside coasting tonight & she was admiring her shadow before we came in. While she was telling me how BIG it was, I made a monster shape and growled, pretending to envelope her shadow:
"Oh MY GOD, Mamaidh! You just about scared the BeJeezus out of me!!!"

Then after her bath a little while ago, I braided her hair in preparation for swimming lessons tomorrow. Once I finished, she had to go to the bathroom to check them out in the full length mirror. While "checking them out", she stepped closer to the mirror, ran her fingers over a small section of hair & asked me:
"You don't think I'm getting any white hair there, do you?!"

Lol - that's 2 snippets of one day with Brenley ;)

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Randoms forgotten at the end of 2009

Kyle & Brenley are putting the nativity set together...
K: "Ok....Brenley, show me how this thing goes together... where do people belong in the set?"
B:"Wellllllllllllll............ ok"
K: "Like, what about the ass...."
B: "What the hell is an ass?"
K: " A donkey."
B: "Oh ok then..."

and it proceeded....

Helly asks Brenley:
"Do you ever get sick of watching tv?"
"No... I get sick of lots of other things like breakfast & shopping,
but I never get sick of watching tv!"

the phone got passed to me... and Helly & I had a great chuckle!


"Um, Mamaidh..."
while we're listening to some kind of music on the radio in the truck,

"If you listen closely, you can hear that that guy is NOT rockin'
out!" WTF!??!

(and there were some others to do with bathrooming... body parts, etc. but we're gonna keep those out of the public domain! LOL)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's not always easy, but she can certainly find the silver lining... intentional or not

Well, the start of 2010 has been kind of trying for all of us.
Kyle's uncle, Wally, passed away from a short battle with cancer.
Brenley was pretty close to "Uncle Wally" -- they had a love of nature, especially berries. Every summer Wally would pick copious amounts of blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for Brenley; sometimes more than once a day!

So, although Brenley has been to wakes before, this was her first real experience with death.

Have no fear, though... her usual charm shone through!

When I got the call that Wally had died, I told Brenley right away.
"Brenley, Uncle Wally died today. He's gone to Heaven."
"What does that mean?"
Ma says, "He went to sleep forever"
Brenley: "Well, I guess Sandra is going to have to pick me berries

Later in the day, she asked me...
"Um, do you think anyone, like, checked with Wally to make sure he
wasn't going to wake up?"

Then, after the funeral, she was still trying to process things.
We explained that we were going to a "party" at the firehall after the funeral to help say goodbye to Wally.

"It's not another prayer party, is it?" (hee hee

Then, while laying in bed with me the afternoon after the funeral she asks:

"Um, Mamaidh, can I ask you something?"
"Um... how the hell did they ever fit Wally in that little box?"
(he was cremated)

So then I was left trying to explain cremation to her and I tried to explain that Wally's heart & soul went to heaven, etc. She wasn't really understanding me or I wasn't making sense. So, annoyed she turns to me and says,

"Um, do you think if I asked that guy saying the prayers at the front of
the church [priest], he'd be able to tell me?!??!"

Nonetheless, the sting of Wally passing away is still here. Just tonight she popped outside without us seeing her. We only heard her come in. So, Kyle asked her what she was doing outside:

"I was feeling sad & missing Wally, so I went outside to see if I could
see any stars winking at me..." (Kyle told her that with Wally in heaven, a
blinking star would be him winking at her.)

Rest in peace, Wally.