... out Brenley's zany sense of... well, being Brenley!
April 20th:
Brenley:"Can we have a jammie day today?"
"Can we have a jammie day at Ma's?"
"No... you have to get dressed cuz it's Helle's birthday."
"WEEEEEEEEEEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so a-cited. Did you hear me hollar wee-hoo when I was coming upstairs cuz I kinda thought it was a special day today?!"
(She didn't hollar at all coming up the stairs!)
April 26th
I asked Brenley if she wanted cucumbers for a snack:
"Ok, Mamaidh"
I went to the fridge and noticed we had baby carrots, too.
"We have baby carrots, too, do you want some of those too?"
"Um... do we have a veggie tray?"
"No, we have cucumbers and carrots, though, like you get in a veggie tray."
"Oh. Mamaidh, remember the good ole days when we had veggie trays?!?"
April 29th
Someone was having a particularily cranky day... but she decided to get dressed anyway.
It was a big secret, as she was going to pick out her outfit, and dress herself, put her own clips in her hair, etc.
"I'm going to be so beautiful," she said.
When she came out of her bedroom, she asked,
"So, how do I look? Do I look beautiful?"
"Yes," I said, "you look stylin... like someone who could clean their room looking so super stylin'"
"No, Mamaidh. I said I only I LOOK super stylin'.... I'm not super girl"
(It would take Super Girl to clean that room!)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
OH NO!!!!!!!!!
Since she could talk... Kyle has been drilling "Leafs Suck" into Brenley's head.
(Ma is a typical, big Leafs fan -- Kyle is a Habs fan)
Then, we find this out:
So, Brenley asked me this morning,
"How can the Leafs suck now, Mamaidh?!?"
Saturday, April 4, 2009
How well does Brenley know Dadaidh?

- What is something dad always says to you? Be good!
- What makes dad happy? being a good listener
- What makes dad sad? being a bad girl
- How does your dad make you laugh? being silly
- What was your dad like as a child? I think he played with Donkey and Row’s toys
- How old is your dad? I dunnoooooooooooooo
- How tall is your dad? (reaches as high as she can with her hands over her head)
- What is his favorite thing to do? play golf
- What does your dad do when you're not around? find me (LOL!!!!!!)
- If your DAD becomes famous, what will it be for? finding me!
- What is your DAD really good at? playing golf
- What is your DAD not very good at? having patience
- What does your DAD do for his job? work on the shed
- What is your Dad's favorite food? pizza
- What makes you proud of your DAD? when he comes outside
- If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Bob (the builder)
- What do you and your dad do together? work on something or go for a walk
- How are you and your Dad the same? I’m this tall… so I don’t know…
- How are you and your dad different? I dunno
- How do you know your Dad loves you? cuz he’s my favourite girl!!!!!!!!!!! (I think she meant that he tells her she’s his favourite girl! LOL)
- Where is your Dad's favorite place to go? to a golf course!
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