Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More gems....

Here's the latest and greatest Brenley quotes:

  • While in the tub, the water somehow escaped the bathtub... leaving only a pile of suds in the bottom. We heard cries: Mamaidh / Dadaidh come here! "Look", she said, looking down at the suds surrounding her feet, "the bathtub is broked.... it must need new batteries!"
  • Downstairs with Dadaidh one night... Dadaidh: "C'mon Brenley if you're coming outside with me. Let's go..."Brenley: "Just wait two minutes Dadaidh. I need to finish my exercises so that my muscles grow big!"
  • "Mamaidh, listen to me... I'm very important!"
  • "The baby in my belly is crying. I think she needs a drink." (I've heard of sympathy symptoms in pregnancy before... but....)
  • " You watch this... I'll show you my yogen (yoga)!"
  • After visiting Ma at Michael "Dave's" (Michael Dan's)... where she had a biscuit ("bis-ick"), a square, and a big glass of milk, she says... "Well... that was a very good little visit!"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarcasm at not quite 3 years old?!?!?

Some latest gems... we honestly don't know where she came from, this Miss Brenley.

  • While walking outside, I almost tripped, and said "Dhia, Dhia!" She asks, "What you do Mamaidh?!" So I told her I almost fell. "Well, well, well, " she responds :S

  • Playing with a planter guy-thing... she says, "Look Dadaidh. This is my boyfriend."

  • We were asking her, after being in Scotsville for a few days, if she liked different people there. So, when we asked her if she liked Papa, she said "no". Kyle asked her why not, and she responds, "Well, Dadaidh, it's just the way it goes."

  • Kyle was saying that he was going to go golfing one day, and then he and Brenley were going to go to Scotsville fishing. Brenley thought about it for a while, and asked a few questions, then said, "Well, Dadaidh... I dont' know if you should go golfing. I just don't know..... (then she looks up with him with this mischievious smile)... Just Kidding, Dadaidh!"

  • A random comment today was... "Mamaidh, I'm gettin' married in 10 minutes." (So, I asked to whom, and she said, "My boyfriend!" WTF!?!?!?)

  • In PEI, Kyle was helping her on the teeter-totter / see-saw, whatever you want to call it. She loved that thing. So on the last day, I went outside to help her play on it, and apparently, as she pointed out, I wasn't doing it right. So, I called Kyle to come help her. When Kyle got outside she explained that I was "only doing this" (picture a wimpy, hardly moving motion with the hands). "Mamaidh was not doing it right... that's not a very good woman!"
Dear Lord, What's next?!?!?!?