Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Job prospects dashed :(

So, we were having a discussion with Madden about his future plans. (It had to do with eating boiled eggs... that's how random conversations can be in this house.)

Brenley tells him that if he wants to be a hockey player or professional golfer or a hunter he has to learn to eat better. (Blackmail at its finest, folks...)

Brenley asked if you could make a living at being a hunter. When Kyle said yes, Madden retorted, "Well, I'm gonna be a professional hunter then!"

Without skipping a beat, Brenley remarks,
"HUH?! You?! Professional hunter? You can't even aim at the toilet without missing!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When you live with a fashionista...

Kyle comes home from Sydney all proud of his 2 new pairs of shoes. He shows the kids. Madden says, "They're sick, dad!" Brenley says, "They're awesome... Now we just need to work on your hair style..." LMAO

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

There was a lot of discussion yesterday after school. A lot of it had to do with me getting Kyle up to speed as to why Brenley was grounded from her iPad for the day. A full day.  (And I wasn't about to go through the play-one-parent-off-the-other game!)

Anywhoo... Brenley pipes up,
"Yeah! Well you treat me differently than the other kids in class!"

"No, I don't. When you're not paying attention or up and about out of your seat, I call you out on it just as I would anyone else in the class... Would you have done that last year?"

"... no..."

"The year before that? .... the year before THAT?!..."

Brenley retorted with the utmost disdain,
"... well, it's not my fault this is the year the butterfly decided to break free from her cocoon!"

To which, Kyle and I both rolled our eyes...
"Spare me!" Kyle said.

Then I noticed a snapchat coming in on the ipad & I may have threatened to read it, which totally put vinegar in Brenley's wounds and she stormed off to her room and slammed the door.

Little Mr. I-Love-When-My-Sister-Is-In-Trouble starts to sing from side stage:

"Butterfly fly away..."

Then as we're laughing, Madden says,
"WHA? Butterflies fly out of their racoons!"

Oh we laughed!