1) Friday: after being pissed at me & not talking to me all morning, she comes up to me at lunch & says, "I'm speaking to you right now as my teacher, not my mother..."
2) Today in math class: me: "Pretend this hundreds chart was continued beyond that bottom row, what do you think the next number in the pattern would be?"
Brenley... hand waving like a mad woman, "Um, well, first of all, it wouldn't just be a hundred chart anymore, it would be a 'MORE than hundred chart' AND the next number in the pattern would be 102"
me: "For the record, I liked it better when you were in grade primary & didn't speak in class from September til after March Break... but yes, you're right"
3)Today on the drive home: "Um, hello?!?! You really pissed me off in class today. I had my hand up for the right answer every time & you didn't ask me once... HMPH"