Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Maybe she needs some soap in her mouth?!?!?

A Dawn detergent commercial comes on TV. Brenley as sharp as ever looks over at me and, in her words, (Little Miss Tongue in Cheek) she says,
 "I don't know why they don't call that 'Kyle' because mom's not that good to clean!"

Then this was on the counter the next morning...

Friday, December 13, 2013

What are you saying?!?

So I was telling Kyle about the crazy morning I had with our two lovely children. I said, "Ask them about the colorful words I had to say this morning..."

Brenley replied from the backseat,
"There were all kinds of colorful words... Orange... Pink... Red... Blue... Purple. She was spitting out a rainbow!"

Not quite what I meant.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear Santa, 2013

Dear Santa,

My name is Brenley Gillis and I am 8 years old. I live in Barrachois, NS with my brother, Madden and my parents.

This Christmas I am trying to be the best I can be. For Christmas I would like to have a Rainbow Loom bracelet making kit. And, I would really like all the kids that don’t have parents, food, a house and medicine to have people to love them and take care of them. I want that because I wouldn’t like to be homeless or living by myself; I couldn’t imagine not being able to eat for a couple of days.

Oh! And when is our elf going to come? His name is Arnie. I really want to see Arnie because he’s magical and it’s cool that we get to wake up every morning and see that he’s in a different spot.

Say hi to your wife for me. I hope you have a good ride on the way home. Don’t drink and drive! We will leave you wine, mom’s chip dip and chips; I hope you like it!

Yours always,

Brenley xo

Before bed wisdom... or something like that...

As Brenley laid in bed tonight, she said to us, 
"I wish I had a time machine..."
Kyle: "Why?! To go forward in time or backward in time?"
Bren: "Backward... Back to the day I was born..."
Kyle: "Why?"
"Cuz it was the best day of your lives...." (with a sheepish grin)

Little pompous arse 

From September

Brenley's first day in grade 3!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

If I could turn back time...

As Brenley laid in bed tonight, she said to us, 

"I wish I had a time machine..."

 "Why?! To go forward in time or backward in time?"
Bren: "Backward... Back to the day I was born..."

"Cuz it was the best day of your lives...." (with a sheepish grin)

Little pompous arse 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Have to share this "charming" story...

So, after dance class this evening, Brenley pipes up from the backseat,

"Can I tell you the most disgusting thing in my life that happened today?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Well, we were in class today and P. [the little guy who sits behind her] and I were playing this game where we pretend to give one another high fives. So, I pretended to lick my hand to give him a high five. Then he actually licked his and gave me one! It was disgusting!... THEN... I licked my other hand and asked him if he could see the sparkles... and he said to me, 'No. I don't, but I do see them in your eyes.' It was the grossest thing EVER in my life. I thought I was going to gag right there!"

[Parental note: aside from the fact that I almost died from the hand licking -- GAG -- I then almost died from laughter. Smooth one, kid. Cassanova!]

Monday, May 27, 2013

Brenley's MS Walk 2013 in memory of her Papa

Sometimes it's the little steps or the little things that make a big difference. Brenley raised $675 for her MS Walk in memory of her Papa; an amount that wouldn't have been realized without many of you reading this. While she's only young at heart yet, through an experience like this she can learn what it means to give; learn of the sacrifice of others; learn to support others; and learn to feel empowered by determination. This year's walk was "Way easier" than last year for her... here's to many more steps for many...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Moving to PEI

So, Brenley has been telling us recently that she's going to go to PEI for school after she graduates.
Tonight, after being sent to her room for the night for throwing something at her brother, she was more than a little perturbed.

After a lengthy conversation with her father, she asks:

"When can I move out of this house? Mom says that when I'm 17 I can move to PEI."
"Oh yeah... are you going to go to Holland College or the Agriculture College over there?"
"I dunno, but Katherine [her friend] says there's a lot of break-ins over there."


Sunday, February 10, 2013

She's a saucy one...

After a harrowing storm day yesterday, my kids are not turning any new corners today in the annoy-the-hell-out-of-mom category.

I'm getting really sick of repeating myself X10 in everything they're asked to do. So, this morning I finally asked angrily,

"Am I speaking Portuguese or what?!?"

Missy replies, "Portuguese? Maybe 'Porcupine'... At least judging by the look of your hair today..."

And Kyle is still laughing...

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

She's a witty one...

Madden was in the washroom for a little bit of a longtime. Kyle hollered to hmand asked him what he was doing. He said he was in the washroom and started walking out.

"Did you poop?"
"Did you wipe your bum?"
"Who taught you how to do that?!"
"Mom did."

And the voice from the corner says,
"Huh? And she can hardly wipe her own arse!"

Good lord. Kyle is still laughing. Still. And still....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Found this today...

I think Ma was scared she might go hungry for the winter. Lol. I would LOVE to send this into school! Lol

Little quips from a little lady...

We've been having on-going discussions with Madden lately about him not wanting to give Mommy pogs (Gaelic for 'kisses'). Apparently, it's only something he'll entertain with Daddy.

Last night before bed, Daddy was having the conversation yet again... trying to find out what the problem is with Mommy's pogs. He was completely disinterested and was more concerned with whoever his babysitter was going to be the next day.

"Who's gonna be here with me tomorrow?"
"Well, you're not going to Charlene's, so it will be Ma, unless school is cancelled, then it will be Mommy home with you all day. Then you'll have to give her a pog!"

From the other room, a little voice murmurs,

"If school's cancelled tomorrow I'll give her a pog... and I may just even give Elizabeth (the vice principal of the school) one, too!"