10 more sleeps... 9 more sleeps...
How many after tonight's sleep?...
5 more sleeps....
2 more sleeps...
I can't believe I'm going to school tomorrow!
Well, that tomorrow was today!!! Brenley had looked forward to today for months!!!!! Today was primary orientation day; aka the day at BIG school!
It all started last night, though, when she got ready for bed (which she had to be dressed for a "fashion sleep"?!?! I don't know what that means, either!). Here's what she looked like, totally prepared:
(note: the placement of the backpack, totally packed with gym clothes, indoor sneakers, $5 for chocolate milk to compliment the already-packed-and-on-the-counter lunchbox, which had pancakes!??! Go figure!)
Well, all that was a slight bit hilarious, and although she went to bed at 7:30, as per usual, it was a good 9:30 before she fell asleep!
This morning, Kyle's & my alarms went off at 6am, though we could hear some shuffling in the baby monitor upstairs. So, we laid there and waited to hear. Sure enough... shuffle, shuffle, shuffle... stomp, stomp, stomp... brushing of the teeth (no using of the washroom, though!)... and step, step, step down the stairs.
At 6:05am... a bursting, fully dressed in jeans, t shirt, socks, sneakers, raincoat zipped to her chin, and back pack on the back clad little girl bounded into our room and exclaimed:
Trying not to laugh/smirk/etc, Kyle pipes up and says:
"Um... Brenley.... what are you doing with your raincoat on?"
Welllllllllllll. I checked out the window and it is raining out, you know!
Away to school we went an hour and a half later.
She had a wonderful day. She totally surprised me as she wasn't nearly as shy as I though she would be. She spoke up. She did well.

Sitting at her
desk for the day.
With the other primaries
Recess...... in music/Gaelic
using "bean-balls" in
A great day had by all!
How come I can't go again tomorrow, Mamaidh?!?!
How many more sleeps until I can go back?!?!
Another chapter unfolds!