Brenley gets off the computer desk chair and says to Kyle, "God my hips are sore... they're so sore."
Kyle was a bit concerned, becuase she seemed so sincere:
"Show me where your hips are hurting..."
Brenley proceeds to pull down her socks and show him some red heels!
(She had worn a different pair of shoes all day without socks!) LOL
In the car one day she pulled a green sock out of her bin beside her car seat."Mamaidh, how in the name of GOD could I lose a green sock?!?!"
So, she's going through the stage now where she dresses herself EVERY day... and has to pick out her own outfits. (Ok... sometimes it's 5, 6, even 8 outfits a day!) So one day, she came out of the bedroom looking like some kind of scarecrow, and said,
"Mamaidh... Look what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Wow, Brenley, do you ever look good! I love your outfit!"
"Am I as stylin' as Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer?!?"
Yes, good old Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer. Now, we ask, who the hell is he?!?!
Turns out (we had to find out where this guy came from) he's a hockey player (go figure) and he's really good and he's tall and he's s t y l i n' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He comes up regularly in conversation now.... like the weather.... or Madden.... but he's usually in the context of some kind of fashion statement! Johnny Ass-in-Kaizer... if there's really one of you out there, can you please contact us? LOL
And finally for this post...
At the mall one evening, Kyle's worst fears came true. He had a glimpse into the years of shopping ahead of him,
"Oh, look, Dadaidh! Doesn't this shirt look awesome with these jeans?!?!"
(We were in the ladies section at Urban Planet... LOL)