Here they are in no particular order:
Me to a group of people and Brenley: "What does Mamaidh call Dadaidh, Brenley?"
Brenley: "a shit"
"Dadaidh put your hood up... it's freezin out!"
Dadaidh: "You can't go to sleep in Mamaidh's bed! There are too many clothes on it!"
Brenley : "well wash them then"
At the mall... when I was talking to some parents of students, she comes into the store (she was out in the hall with Helen) and says:
"Mamaidh, get your butt out here!"
Dadaidh: "Where are you going?"
Brenley: "Mexico... Not Sydney, I wanna go to Mexico!"
"Mamaidh. I know that song. It's O Can-a-ga!"
"Dadaidh play a strath-slay" (on the fiddle)