The BIG day has finally arrived.
We spent the day lazing around and getting all tired out so Brenley would have a good nap this afternoon before church at 5pm.
The crowd at church is so big we had to be there at 4ish... which we were and we just got a seat! Thankfully, Brenley was very well behaved for the extended church visit. I don't think she listened to a word... not even to the choir, because she was too busy looking for baby boys and drawing pictures on everything she could find in my purse!
We came home and had some pizza for supper. Then, it was time to open the presents under the tree (a tradition carried over from Kyle's family). We open our gifts on Christmas eve.... but we only got her 2 toy things (on purpose)... so she wasn't REALLY excited. She was more excited over the "titty titty" clothes. The Poko and Doodlebops dvds were pretty popular. And out of the blue she looked at us and said, "OH BOY! I a-cited!"
Nonetheless, she's in bed in her new pjs.... on her new Montreal Canadiens pillowcase... with her tis-mas tree on so Santa can find her. But, she doesn't think Santa's going to bring her a blue trut... or a hockey game stit.... so she's gone to sleep to wait and see!
Tomorrow should be a different scenario, all together!
Merry Christmas! Hope Santa finds you, too! ;)
♥ Brenley